Meet The Doctor


Timothy Perozek, MD is a Board-Certified Ophthalmologist who has been in private practice since 2002. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, IN, where he majored in Philosophy and Pre-Med, the University of Toledo Medical Center in Toledo, OH where he was a recipient of many awards, as well as the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute in Denver, CO, where he served as chief ophthalmology resident his last year.


Private practice since 2002

Founded SEE RIGHT NOW with TIMOTHY PEROZEK, MD in 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada

Dual Board Certified by National Board of Physicians and Surgeons and American Board of Ophthalmology

Residency in Ophthalmology at University of Colorado Health Sciences Center/Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute

Internship in Transitional Medicine at Health One Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Hospital Denver, Colorado

Doctor of Medicine at University of Toledo Medical College of Ohio

Undergraduate Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Pre Med at The University of Notre Dame

Timothy Perozek, MD has been selected consecutively by his peers, surveys, and rankings to be one of the best doctors in Las Vegas.

Has been the featured speaker through the years at Sun City, Sienna and H2U in Las Vegas “History and Future of Refractive Surgery” presented at the Ophthalmic Technicians Convention, Denver, CO. “Theories of Accommodation” presented at the Resident Seminar to fellow ophthalmologists, Denver, CO. Keynote Speaker Lectured to invited donors at the Notre Dame benefactors weekend Featured storyline for documentary for the most successful current fundraising campaign in the history of the University of Notre Dame “Generations—A Campaign for the Notre Dame Student”


Investigated the role of the Chx10 gene transcription factor in retinal development and morphology and in lens development and early cataract formation under the direction of Mark Hankin, Ph.D. Dept. of Neuroanatomy, Medical College of Ohio.


Taravella M, Perozek T: Myopia, LASIK. eMedicine Journal 2001 May; 2 (5): 1-11. Co- author for chapter “Myopia, LASIK” on-line textbook
Bone-Larson C, Basu S, Radel J, Meiying, Perozek T, Kapousta- Bruneaun, Green D, Burmeister M, Hankin M. 2000. Partial Rescue of the Ocular Retardation Phenotype by Genetic Modifiers. J Neurobiol 42: 232-247..


– Northwestern Ohio Lions Eye Care Foundation
– Bob and Lu Oberhouse Award for Excellence in Ophthalmology
– Jose Fleites Memorial Scholarship
– Medical College of Ohio Bookstore Award
– David Ryerson Memorial Scholarship
– Notre Dame Club of Toledo Scholarship
– Brother Kiernan Memorial Award
– Dailey Memorial Award
– Dr. Dooley Memorial Scholarship
– Christopher Dunphy Foundation Scholarship